.. | |
AccessibilityInformation | Accessibility information which controls screen reader behavior. |
AsyncIterable | |
AuthenticationForceNewSessionOptions | Optional options to be used when calling {@link authentication.getSession} with the flag |
AuthenticationGetSessionOptions | Options to be used when getting an {@link AuthenticationSession} from an {@link AuthenticationProvider}. |
AuthenticationProvider | A provider for performing authentication to a service. |
AuthenticationProviderAuthenticationSessionsChangeEvent | An {@link Event} which fires when an {@link AuthenticationSession} is added, removed, or changed. |
AuthenticationProviderInformation | Basic information about an authenticationProvider |
AuthenticationProviderOptions | Options for creating an {@link AuthenticationProvider}. |
AuthenticationProviderSessionOptions | The options passed in to the {@link AuthenticationProvider.getSessions} and {@link AuthenticationProvider.createSession} call. |
AuthenticationSession | Represents a session of a currently logged in user. |
AuthenticationSessionAccountInformation | The information of an account associated with an {@link AuthenticationSession}. |
AuthenticationSessionsChangeEvent | An event which fires when an AuthenticationSession is added, removed, or changed. |
AutoClosingPair | Describes pairs of strings where the close string will be automatically inserted when typing the opening string. |
BranchCoverage | Contains coverage information for a branch of a {@link StatementCoverage}. |
Breakpoint | The base class of all breakpoint types. |
BreakpointsChangeEvent | An event describing the changes to the set of {@link Breakpoint breakpoints}. |
CallHierarchyIncomingCall | Represents an incoming call, e.g. a caller of a method or constructor. |
CallHierarchyItem | Represents programming constructs like functions or constructors in the context of call hierarchy. |
CallHierarchyOutgoingCall | Represents an outgoing call, e.g. calling a getter from a method or a method from a constructor etc. |
CallHierarchyProvider | The call hierarchy provider interface describes the contract between extensions and the call hierarchy feature which allows to browse calls and caller of function, methods, constructor etc. |
CancellationError | An error type that should be used to signal cancellation of an operation. |
CancellationToken | A cancellation token is passed to an asynchronous or long running operation to request cancellation, like cancelling a request for completion items because the user continued to type. |
CancellationTokenSource | A cancellation source creates and controls a {@link CancellationToken cancellation token}. |
CharacterPair | A tuple of two characters, like a pair of opening and closing brackets. |
ChatContext | Extra context passed to a participant. |
ChatErrorDetails | Represents an error result from a chat request. |
ChatFollowup | A followup question suggested by the participant. |
ChatFollowupProvider | Will be invoked once after each request to get suggested followup questions to show the user. The user can click the followup to send it to the chat. |
ChatLanguageModelToolReference | A reference to a tool that the user manually attached to their request, either using the |
ChatParticipant | A chat participant can be invoked by the user in a chat session, using the |
ChatParticipantToolToken | |
ChatPromptReference | A reference to a value that the user added to their chat request. |
ChatRequest | A request to a chat participant. |
ChatRequestHandler | |
ChatRequestTurn | Represents a user request in chat history. |
ChatResponseAnchorPart | Represents a part of a chat response that is an anchor, that is rendered as a link to a target. |
ChatResponseCommandButtonPart | Represents a part of a chat response that is a button that executes a command. |
ChatResponseFileTree | Represents a file tree structure in a chat response. |
ChatResponseFileTreePart | Represents a part of a chat response that is a file tree. |
ChatResponseMarkdownPart | Represents a part of a chat response that is formatted as Markdown. |
ChatResponsePart | |
ChatResponseProgressPart | Represents a part of a chat response that is a progress message. |
ChatResponseReferencePart | Represents a part of a chat response that is a reference, rendered separately from the content. |
ChatResponseStream | The ChatResponseStream is how a participant is able to return content to the chat view. It provides several methods for streaming different types of content which will be rendered in an appropriate way in the chat view. A participant can use the helper method for the type of content it wants to return, or it can instantiate a {@link ChatResponsePart} and use the generic {@link ChatResponseStream.push} method to return it. |
ChatResponseTurn | Represents a chat participant's response in chat history. |
ChatResult | The result of a chat request. |
ChatResultFeedback | Represents user feedback for a result. |
ChatResultFeedbackKind | Represents the type of user feedback received. |
Clipboard | The clipboard provides read and write access to the system's clipboard. |
CodeAction | A code action represents a change that can be performed in code, e.g. to fix a problem or to refactor code. |
CodeActionContext | Contains additional diagnostic information about the context in which a {@link CodeActionProvider.provideCodeActions code action} is run. |
CodeActionKind | Kind of a code action. |
CodeActionProvider | Provides contextual actions for code. Code actions typically either fix problems or beautify/refactor code. |
CodeActionProviderMetadata | Metadata about the type of code actions that a {@link CodeActionProvider} provides. |
CodeActionTriggerKind | The reason why code actions were requested. |
CodeLens | A code lens represents a {@link Command} that should be shown along with source text, like the number of references, a way to run tests, etc. |
CodeLensProvider | A code lens provider adds {@link Command commands} to source text. The commands will be shown as dedicated horizontal lines in between the source text. |
Color | Represents a color in RGBA space. |
ColorInformation | Represents a color range from a document. |
ColorPresentation | A color presentation object describes how a {@linkcode Color} should be represented as text and what edits are required to refer to it from source code. |
ColorTheme | Represents a color theme. |
ColorThemeKind | Represents a color theme kind. |
Command | Represents a reference to a command. Provides a title which will be used to represent a command in the UI and, optionally, an array of arguments which will be passed to the command handler function when invoked. |
Comment | A comment is displayed within the editor or the Comments Panel, depending on how it is provided. |
CommentAuthorInformation | Author information of a {@link Comment} |
CommentController | A comment controller is able to provide {@link CommentThread comments} support to the editor and provide users various ways to interact with comments. |
CommentMode | Comment mode of a {@link Comment} |
CommentOptions | Represents a {@link CommentController comment controller}'s {@link CommentController.options options}. |
CommentReaction | Reactions of a {@link Comment} |
CommentReply | Command argument for actions registered in |
CommentRule | Describes how comments for a language work. |
CommentThread | A collection of {@link Comment comments} representing a conversation at a particular range in a document. |
CommentThreadCollapsibleState | Collapsible state of a {@link CommentThread comment thread} |
CommentThreadState | The state of a comment thread. |
CommentingRangeProvider | Commenting range provider for a {@link CommentController comment controller}. |
CommentingRanges | The ranges a CommentingRangeProvider enables commenting on. |
CompletionContext | Contains additional information about the context in which {@link CompletionItemProvider.provideCompletionItems completion provider} is triggered. |
CompletionItem | A completion item represents a text snippet that is proposed to complete text that is being typed. |
CompletionItemKind | Completion item kinds. |
CompletionItemLabel | A structured label for a {@link CompletionItem completion item}. |
CompletionItemProvider | The completion item provider interface defines the contract between extensions and IntelliSense. |
CompletionItemTag | Completion item tags are extra annotations that tweak the rendering of a completion item. |
CompletionList | Represents a collection of {@link CompletionItem completion items} to be presented in the editor. |
CompletionTriggerKind | How a {@link CompletionItemProvider completion provider} was triggered |
ConfigurationChangeEvent | An event describing the change in Configuration |
ConfigurationScope | The configuration scope which can be a a 'resource' or a languageId or both or a '{@link TextDocument}' or a '{@link WorkspaceFolder}' |
ConfigurationTarget | The configuration target |
CustomDocument | Represents a custom document used by a {@linkcode CustomEditorProvider}. |
CustomDocumentBackup | A backup for an {@linkcode CustomDocument}. |
CustomDocumentBackupContext | Additional information used to implement {@linkcode CustomDocumentBackup}. |
CustomDocumentContentChangeEvent | Event triggered by extensions to signal to the editor that the content of a {@linkcode CustomDocument} has changed. |
CustomDocumentEditEvent | Event triggered by extensions to signal to the editor that an edit has occurred on an {@linkcode CustomDocument}. |
CustomDocumentOpenContext | Additional information about the opening custom document. |
CustomEditorProvider | Provider for editable custom editors that use a custom document model. |
CustomExecution | Class used to execute an extension callback as a task. |
CustomReadonlyEditorProvider | Provider for readonly custom editors that use a custom document model. |
CustomTextEditorProvider | Provider for text based custom editors. |
DataTransfer | A map containing a mapping of the mime type of the corresponding transferred data. |
DataTransferFile | A file associated with a {@linkcode DataTransferItem}. |
DataTransferItem | Encapsulates data transferred during drag and drop operations. |
DebugAdapter | A debug adapter that implements the Debug Adapter Protocol can be registered with the editor if it implements the DebugAdapter interface. |
DebugAdapterDescriptor | Represents the different types of debug adapters |
DebugAdapterDescriptorFactory | A debug adaper factory that creates {@link DebugAdapterDescriptor debug adapter descriptors}. |
DebugAdapterExecutable | Represents a debug adapter executable and optional arguments and runtime options passed to it. |
DebugAdapterExecutableOptions | Options for a debug adapter executable. |
DebugAdapterInlineImplementation | A debug adapter descriptor for an inline implementation. |
DebugAdapterNamedPipeServer | Represents a debug adapter running as a Named Pipe (on Windows)/UNIX Domain Socket (on non-Windows) based server. |
DebugAdapterServer | Represents a debug adapter running as a socket based server. |
DebugAdapterTracker | A Debug Adapter Tracker is a means to track the communication between the editor and a Debug Adapter. |
DebugAdapterTrackerFactory | A debug adaper factory that creates {@link DebugAdapterTracker debug adapter trackers}. |
DebugConfiguration | Configuration for a debug session. |
DebugConfigurationProvider | A debug configuration provider allows to add debug configurations to the debug service and to resolve launch configurations before they are used to start a debug session. A debug configuration provider is registered via {@link debug.registerDebugConfigurationProvider}. |
DebugConfigurationProviderTriggerKind | A DebugConfigurationProviderTriggerKind specifies when the |
DebugConsole | Represents the debug console. |
DebugConsoleMode | Debug console mode used by debug session, see {@link DebugSessionOptions options}. |
DebugProtocolBreakpoint | A DebugProtocolBreakpoint is an opaque stand-in type for the Breakpoint type defined in the Debug Adapter Protocol. |
DebugProtocolMessage | A DebugProtocolMessage is an opaque stand-in type for the ProtocolMessage type defined in the Debug Adapter Protocol. |
DebugProtocolSource | A DebugProtocolSource is an opaque stand-in type for the Source type defined in the Debug Adapter Protocol. |
DebugSession | A debug session. |
DebugSessionCustomEvent | A custom Debug Adapter Protocol event received from a {@link DebugSession debug session}. |
DebugSessionOptions | Options for {@link debug.startDebugging starting a debug session}. |
DebugStackFrame | Represents a stack frame in a debug session. |
DebugThread | Represents a thread in a debug session. |
Declaration | The declaration of a symbol representation as one or many locations or location links. |
DeclarationCoverage | Contains coverage information for a declaration. Depending on the reporter and language, this may be types such as functions, methods, or namespaces. |
DeclarationProvider | The declaration provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the go to declaration feature. |
DecorationInstanceRenderOptions | Represents render options for decoration instances. See {@link DecorationOptions.renderOptions}. |
DecorationOptions | Represents options for a specific decoration in a {@link TextEditorDecorationType decoration set}. |
DecorationRangeBehavior | Describes the behavior of decorations when typing/editing at their edges. |
DecorationRenderOptions | Represents rendering styles for a {@link TextEditorDecorationType text editor decoration}. |
Definition | The definition of a symbol represented as one or many {@link Location locations}. For most programming languages there is only one location at which a symbol is defined. |
DefinitionLink | Information about where a symbol is defined. |
DefinitionProvider | The definition provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the go to definition and peek definition features. |
Diagnostic | Represents a diagnostic, such as a compiler error or warning. Diagnostic objects are only valid in the scope of a file. |
DiagnosticChangeEvent | The event that is fired when diagnostics change. |
DiagnosticCollection | A diagnostics collection is a container that manages a set of {@link Diagnostic diagnostics}. Diagnostics are always scopes to a diagnostics collection and a resource. |
DiagnosticRelatedInformation | Represents a related message and source code location for a diagnostic. This should be used to point to code locations that cause or related to a diagnostics, e.g. when duplicating a symbol in a scope. |
DiagnosticSeverity | Represents the severity of diagnostics. |
DiagnosticTag | Additional metadata about the type of a diagnostic. |
Disposable | Represents a type which can release resources, such as event listening or a timer. |
DocumentColorProvider | The document color provider defines the contract between extensions and feature of picking and modifying colors in the editor. |
DocumentDropEdit | An edit operation applied {@link DocumentDropEditProvider on drop}. |
DocumentDropEditProvider | Provider which handles dropping of resources into a text editor. |
DocumentFilter | A document filter denotes a document by different properties like the {@link TextDocument.languageId language}, the {@link Uri.scheme scheme} of its resource, or a glob-pattern that is applied to the {@link TextDocument.fileName path}. |
DocumentFormattingEditProvider | The document formatting provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the formatting-feature. |
DocumentHighlight | A document highlight is a range inside a text document which deserves special attention. Usually a document highlight is visualized by changing the background color of its range. |
DocumentHighlightKind | A document highlight kind. |
DocumentHighlightProvider | The document highlight provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the word-highlight-feature. |
DocumentLink | A document link is a range in a text document that links to an internal or external resource, like another text document or a web site. |
DocumentLinkProvider | The document link provider defines the contract between extensions and feature of showing links in the editor. |
DocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider | The document formatting provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the formatting-feature. |
DocumentRangeSemanticTokensProvider | The document range semantic tokens provider interface defines the contract between extensions and semantic tokens. |
DocumentSelector | A language selector is the combination of one or many language identifiers and {@link DocumentFilter language filters}. |
DocumentSelectorSimple | |
DocumentSemanticTokensProvider | The document semantic tokens provider interface defines the contract between extensions and semantic tokens. |
DocumentSymbol | Represents programming constructs like variables, classes, interfaces etc. that appear in a document. Document symbols can be hierarchical and they have two ranges: one that encloses its definition and one that points to its most interesting range, e.g. the range of an identifier. |
DocumentSymbolProvider | The document symbol provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the go to symbol-feature. |
DocumentSymbolProviderMetadata | Metadata about a document symbol provider. |
EndOfLine | Represents an end of line character sequence in a {@link TextDocument document}. |
EnterAction | Describes what to do when pressing Enter. |
EnvironmentVariableCollection | A collection of mutations that an extension can apply to a process environment. |
EnvironmentVariableMutator | A type of mutation and its value to be applied to an environment variable. |
EnvironmentVariableMutatorOptions | Options applied to the mutator. |
EnvironmentVariableMutatorType | A type of mutation that can be applied to an environment variable. |
EnvironmentVariableScope | The scope object to which the environment variable collection applies. |
EvaluatableExpression | An EvaluatableExpression represents an expression in a document that can be evaluated by an active debugger or runtime. The result of this evaluation is shown in a tooltip-like widget. If only a range is specified, the expression will be extracted from the underlying document. An optional expression can be used to override the extracted expression. In this case the range is still used to highlight the range in the document. |
EvaluatableExpressionProvider | The evaluatable expression provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the debug hover. In this contract the provider returns an evaluatable expression for a given position in a document and the editor evaluates this expression in the active debug session and shows the result in a debug hover. |
Event | Represents a typed event. |
EventEmitter | An event emitter can be used to create and manage an {@link Event} for others to subscribe to. One emitter always owns one event. |
Extension | Represents an extension. |
ExtensionContext | An extension context is a collection of utilities private to an extension. |
ExtensionKind | In a remote window the extension kind describes if an extension runs where the UI (window) runs or if an extension runs remotely. |
ExtensionMode | The ExtensionMode is provided on the |
ExtensionTerminalOptions | Value-object describing what options a virtual process terminal should use. |
FileChangeEvent | The event filesystem providers must use to signal a file change. |
FileChangeType | Enumeration of file change types. |
FileCoverage | Contains coverage metadata for a file. |
FileCoverageDetail | |
FileCreateEvent | An event that is fired after files are created. |
FileDecoration | A file decoration represents metadata that can be rendered with a file. |
FileDecorationProvider | The decoration provider interfaces defines the contract between extensions and file decorations. |
FileDeleteEvent | An event that is fired after files are deleted. |
FilePermission | Permissions of a file. |
FileRenameEvent | An event that is fired after files are renamed. |
FileStat | The |
FileSystem | The file system interface exposes the editor's built-in and contributed {@link FileSystemProvider file system providers}. It allows extensions to work with files from the local disk as well as files from remote places, like the remote extension host or ftp-servers. |
FileSystemError | A type that filesystem providers should use to signal errors. |
FileSystemProvider | The filesystem provider defines what the editor needs to read, write, discover, and to manage files and folders. It allows extensions to serve files from remote places, like ftp-servers, and to seamlessly integrate those into the editor. |
FileSystemReadDirectoryTuple | |
FileSystemWatcher | A file system watcher notifies about changes to files and folders on disk or from other {@link FileSystemProvider FileSystemProviders}. |
FileType | Enumeration of file types. The types |
FileWillCreateEvent | An event that is fired when files are going to be created. |
FileWillDeleteEvent | An event that is fired when files are going to be deleted. |
FileWillRenameEvent | An event that is fired when files are going to be renamed. |
FoldingContext | Folding context (for future use) |
FoldingRange | A line based folding range. To be valid, start and end line must be bigger than zero and smaller than the number of lines in the document. Invalid ranges will be ignored. |
FoldingRangeKind | An enumeration of specific folding range kinds. The kind is an optional field of a {@link FoldingRange}
and is used to distinguish specific folding ranges such as ranges originated from comments. The kind is used by commands like
FoldingRangeProvider | The folding range provider interface defines the contract between extensions and Folding in the editor. |
FormattingOptions | Value-object describing what options formatting should use. |
FunctionBreakpoint | A breakpoint specified by a function name. |
GlobPattern | A file glob pattern to match file paths against. This can either be a glob pattern string
(like |
GlobalEnvironmentVariableCollection | Value-object describing what options formatting should use. |
Hover | A hover represents additional information for a symbol or word. Hovers are rendered in a tooltip-like widget. |
HoverProvider | The hover provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the hover-feature. |
IconPath | Represents an icon in the UI. This is either an uri, separate uris for the light- and dark-themes, or a {@link ThemeIcon theme icon}. |
ImplementationProvider | The implementation provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the go to implementation feature. |
IndentAction | Describes what to do with the indentation when pressing Enter. |
IndentationRule | Describes indentation rules for a language. |
InlayHint | Inlay hint information. |
InlayHintKind | Inlay hint kinds. |
InlayHintLabelPart | An inlay hint label part allows for interactive and composite labels of inlay hints. |
InlayHintsProvider | The inlay hints provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the inlay hints feature. |
InlineCompletionContext | Provides information about the context in which an inline completion was requested. |
InlineCompletionItem | An inline completion item represents a text snippet that is proposed inline to complete text that is being typed. |
InlineCompletionItemProvider | The inline completion item provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the inline completion feature. |
InlineCompletionList | Represents a collection of {@link InlineCompletionItem inline completion items} to be presented in the editor. |
InlineCompletionTriggerKind | Describes how an {@link InlineCompletionItemProvider inline completion provider} was triggered. |
InlineValue | Inline value information can be provided by different means: - directly as a text value (class InlineValueText). - as a name to use for a variable lookup (class InlineValueVariableLookup) - as an evaluatable expression (class InlineValueEvaluatableExpression) The InlineValue types combines all inline value types into one type. |
InlineValueContext | A value-object that contains contextual information when requesting inline values from a InlineValuesProvider. |
InlineValueEvaluatableExpression | Provide an inline value through an expression evaluation. If only a range is specified, the expression will be extracted from the underlying document. An optional expression can be used to override the extracted expression. |
InlineValueText | Provide inline value as text. |
InlineValueVariableLookup | Provide inline value through a variable lookup. If only a range is specified, the variable name will be extracted from the underlying document. An optional variable name can be used to override the extracted name. |
InlineValuesProvider | The inline values provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the editor's debugger inline values feature. In this contract the provider returns inline value information for a given document range and the editor shows this information in the editor at the end of lines. |
InputBox | A concrete {@link QuickInput} to let the user input a text value. |
InputBoxOptions | Options to configure the behavior of the input box UI. |
InputBoxValidationMessage | Object to configure the behavior of the validation message. |
InputBoxValidationSeverity | The severity level for input box validation. |
LanguageConfiguration | The language configuration interfaces defines the contract between extensions and various editor features, like automatic bracket insertion, automatic indentation etc. |
LanguageModelAccessInformation | Represents extension specific information about the access to language models. |
LanguageModelChat | Represents a language model for making chat requests. |
LanguageModelChatMessage | Represents a message in a chat. Can assume different roles, like user or assistant. |
LanguageModelChatMessageRole | Represents the role of a chat message. This is either the user or the assistant. |
LanguageModelChatRequestOptions | Options for making a chat request using a language model. |
LanguageModelChatResponse | Represents a language model response. |
LanguageModelChatSelector | Describes how to select language models for chat requests. |
LanguageModelChatTool | A tool that is available to the language model via {@link LanguageModelChatRequestOptions}. A language model uses all the properties of this interface to decide which tool to call, and how to call it. |
LanguageModelChatToolMode | A tool-calling mode for the language model to use. |
LanguageModelError | An error type for language model specific errors. |
LanguageModelPromptTsxPart | A language model response part containing a PromptElementJSON from |
LanguageModelTextPart | A language model response part containing a piece of text, returned from a {@link LanguageModelChatResponse}. |
LanguageModelTool | A tool that can be invoked by a call to a {@link LanguageModelChat}. |
LanguageModelToolCallPart | A language model response part indicating a tool call, returned from a {@link LanguageModelChatResponse}, and also can be included as a content part on a {@link LanguageModelChatMessage}, to represent a previous tool call in a chat request. |
LanguageModelToolConfirmationMessages | When this is returned in {@link PreparedToolInvocation}, the user will be asked to confirm before running the tool. These messages will be shown with buttons that say "Continue" and "Cancel". |
LanguageModelToolInformation | Information about a registered tool available in {@link lm.tools}. |
LanguageModelToolInvocationOptions | Options provided for tool invocation. |
LanguageModelToolInvocationPrepareOptions | Options for {@link LanguageModelTool.prepareInvocation}. |
LanguageModelToolResult | A result returned from a tool invocation. If using |
LanguageModelToolResultPart | The result of a tool call. This is the counterpart of a {@link LanguageModelToolCallPart tool call} and it can only be included in the content of a User message |
LanguageModelToolTokenizationOptions | Options related to tokenization for a tool invocation. |
LanguageStatusItem | A language status item is the preferred way to present language status reports for the active text editors, such as selected linter or notifying about a configuration problem. |
LanguageStatusSeverity | Represents the severity level of a language status. |
LinkedEditingRangeProvider | The linked editing range provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the linked editing feature. |
LinkedEditingRanges | Represents a list of ranges that can be edited together along with a word pattern to describe valid range contents. |
Location | Represents a location inside a resource, such as a line inside a text file. |
LocationLink | Represents the connection of two locations. Provides additional metadata over normal {@link Location locations}, including an origin range. |
LogLevel | Represents the severity level of a language status. |
LogOutputChannel | A channel for containing log output. |
MarkdownString | Human-readable text that supports formatting via the markdown syntax. |
MarkedString | Deprecated: This type is deprecated, please use { |
Memento | A memento represents a storage utility. It can store and retrieve values. |
MessageItem | Represents an action that is shown with an information, warning, or error message. |
MessageOptions | Options to configure the behavior of the message. |
NotebookCell | Represents a cell of a {@link NotebookDocument notebook}, either a {@link NotebookCellKind.Code code}-cell or {@link NotebookCellKind.Markup markup}-cell. |
NotebookCellData | NotebookCellData is the raw representation of notebook cells. Its is part of {@linkcode NotebookData}. |
NotebookCellExecution | A NotebookCellExecution is how {@link NotebookController notebook controller} modify a notebook cell as it is executing. |
NotebookCellExecutionSummary | The summary of a notebook cell execution. |
NotebookCellKind | A notebook cell kind. |
NotebookCellOutput | Notebook cell output represents a result of executing a cell. It is a container type for multiple {@link NotebookCellOutputItem output items} where contained items represent the same result but use different MIME types. |
NotebookCellOutputItem | One representation of a {@link NotebookCellOutput notebook output}, defined by MIME type and data. |
NotebookCellStatusBarAlignment | Represents the alignment of status bar items. |
NotebookCellStatusBarItem | A contribution to a cell's status bar |
NotebookCellStatusBarItemProvider | A provider that can contribute items to the status bar that appears below a cell's editor. |
NotebookController | A notebook controller represents an entity that can execute notebook cells. This is often referred to as a kernel. |
NotebookControllerAffinity | Notebook controller affinity for notebook documents. |
NotebookData | Raw representation of a notebook. |
NotebookDocument | Represents a notebook which itself is a sequence of {@link NotebookCell code or markup cells}. Notebook documents are created from {@link NotebookData notebook data}. |
NotebookDocumentCellChange | Describes a change to a notebook cell. |
NotebookDocumentChangeEvent | An event describing a transactional {@link NotebookDocument notebook} change. |
NotebookDocumentContentChange | Describes a structural change to a notebook document, e.g newly added and removed cells. |
NotebookDocumentContentOptions | Notebook content options define what parts of a notebook are persisted. Note |
NotebookDocumentShowOptions | Represents options to configure the behavior of showing a {@link NotebookDocument notebook document} in an {@link NotebookEditor notebook editor}. |
NotebookDocumentWillSaveEvent | An event that is fired when a {@link NotebookDocument notebook document} will be saved. |
NotebookEdit | A notebook edit represents edits that should be applied to the contents of a notebook. |
NotebookEditor | Represents a notebook editor that is attached to a {@link NotebookDocument notebook}. Additional properties of the NotebookEditor are available in the proposed API, which will be finalized later. |
NotebookEditorRevealType | Represents a notebook editor that is attached to a {@link NotebookDocument notebook}. |
NotebookEditorSelectionChangeEvent | Represents an event describing the change in a {@link NotebookEditor.selections notebook editor's selections}. |
NotebookEditorVisibleRangesChangeEvent | Represents an event describing the change in a {@link NotebookEditor.visibleRanges notebook editor's visibleRanges}. |
NotebookRange | A notebook range represents an ordered pair of two cell indices. It is guaranteed that start is less than or equal to end. |
NotebookRendererMessaging | Renderer messaging is used to communicate with a single renderer. It's returned from {@link notebooks.createRendererMessaging}. |
NotebookSerializer | The notebook serializer enables the editor to open notebook files. |
OnEnterRule | Describes a rule to be evaluated when pressing Enter. |
OnTypeFormattingEditProvider | The document formatting provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the formatting-feature. |
OpenDialogOptions | Options to configure the behaviour of a file open dialog. |
OutputChannel | An output channel is a container for readonly textual information. |
OverviewRulerLane | Represents different positions for rendering a decoration in an {@link DecorationRenderOptions.overviewRulerLane overview ruler}. The overview ruler supports three lanes. |
ParameterInformation | Represents a parameter of a callable-signature. A parameter can have a label and a doc-comment. |
Position | Represents a line and character position, such as the position of the cursor. |
PreparedToolInvocation | The result of a call to {@link LanguageModelTool.prepareInvocation}. |
ProcessExecution | The execution of a task happens as an external process without shell interaction. |
ProcessExecutionOptions | Options for a process execution |
Progress | Defines a generalized way of reporting progress updates. |
ProgressLocation | A location in the editor at which progress information can be shown. It depends on the location how progress is visually represented. |
ProgressOptions | Value-object describing where and how progress should show. |
ProviderResult | A provider result represents the values a provider, like the {@linkcode HoverProvider},
may return. For once this is the actual result type |
Pseudoterminal | Defines the interface of a terminal pty, enabling extensions to control a terminal. |
QuickDiffProvider | A quick diff provider provides a {@link Uri uri} to the original state of a modified resource. The editor will use this information to render ad'hoc diffs within the text. |
QuickInput | A light-weight user input UI that is initially not visible. After configuring it through its properties the extension can make it visible by calling {@link QuickInput.show}. |
QuickInputButton | Button for an action in a {@link QuickPick} or {@link InputBox}. |
QuickInputButtons | Predefined buttons for {@link QuickPick} and {@link InputBox}. |
QuickPick | A concrete {@link QuickInput} to let the user pick an item from a list of items of type T. The items can be filtered through a filter text field and there is an option {@link QuickPick.canSelectMany canSelectMany} to allow for selecting multiple items. |
QuickPickItem | Represents an item that can be selected from a list of items. |
QuickPickItemButtonEvent | An event signaling when a button in a particular {@link QuickPickItem} was triggered. This event does not fire for buttons in the title bar. |
QuickPickItemKind | The kind of {@link QuickPickItem quick pick item}. |
QuickPickOptions | Options to configure the behavior of the quick pick UI. |
Range | A range represents an ordered pair of two positions. It is guaranteed that {@link Range.start start}.isBeforeOrEqual({@link Range.end end}) |
ReferenceContext | Value-object that contains additional information when requesting references. |
ReferenceProvider | The reference provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the find references-feature. |
RelativePattern | A relative pattern is a helper to construct glob patterns that are matched relatively to a base file path. The base path can either be an absolute file path as string or uri or a {@link WorkspaceFolder workspace folder}, which is the preferred way of creating the relative pattern. |
RenameProvider | The rename provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the rename-feature. |
RunOptions | Run options for a task. |
SaveDialogOptions | Options to configure the behaviour of a file save dialog. |
SecretStorage | Represents a storage utility for secrets (or any information that is sensitive) that will be stored encrypted. The implementation of the secret storage will be different on each platform and the secrets will not be synced across machines. |
SecretStorageChangeEvent | The event data that is fired when a secret is added or removed. |
SelectedCompletionInfo | Describes the currently selected completion item. |
Selection | Represents a text selection in an editor. |
SelectionRange | A selection range represents a part of a selection hierarchy. A selection range may have a parent selection range that contains it. |
SelectionRangeProvider | The selection range provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the "Expand and Shrink Selection" feature. |
SemanticTokens | Represents semantic tokens, either in a range or in an entire document. @link DocumentSemanticTokensProvider.provideDocumentSemanticTokens provideDocumentSemanticTokens} for an explanation of the format. @link SemanticTokensBuilder} for a helper to create an instance. |
SemanticTokensBuilder | A semantic tokens builder can help with creating a |
SemanticTokensEdit | Represents an edit to semantic tokens. @link DocumentSemanticTokensProvider.provideDocumentSemanticTokensEdits provideDocumentSemanticTokensEdits} for an explanation of the format. |
SemanticTokensEdits | Represents edits to semantic tokens. @link DocumentSemanticTokensProvider.provideDocumentSemanticTokensEdits provideDocumentSemanticTokensEdits} for an explanation of the format. |
SemanticTokensLegend | A semantic tokens legend contains the needed information to decipher the integer encoded representation of semantic tokens. |
ShellExecution | Represents a task execution that happens inside a shell. |
ShellExecutionOptions | Options for a shell execution |
ShellQuotedString | A string that will be quoted depending on the used shell. |
ShellQuoting | Defines how an argument should be quoted if it contains spaces or unsupported characters. |
ShellQuotingOptions | The shell quoting options. |
SignatureHelp | Signature help represents the signature of something callable. There can be multiple signatures but only one active and only one active parameter. |
SignatureHelpContext | Additional information about the context in which a {@linkcode SignatureHelpProvider.provideSignatureHelp SignatureHelpProvider} was triggered. |
SignatureHelpProvider | The signature help provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the parameter hints-feature. |
SignatureHelpProviderMetadata | Metadata about a registered {@linkcode SignatureHelpProvider}. |
SignatureHelpTriggerKind | How a {@linkcode SignatureHelpProvider} was triggered. |
SignatureInformation | Represents the signature of something callable. A signature can have a label, like a function-name, a doc-comment, and a set of parameters. |
SnippetString | A snippet string is a template which allows to insert text and to control the editor cursor when insertion happens. |
SnippetTextEdit | A snippet edit represents an interactive edit that is performed by the editor. |
SourceBreakpoint | A breakpoint specified by a source location. |
SourceControl | An source control is able to provide {@link SourceControlResourceState resource states} to the editor and interact with the editor in several source control related ways. |
SourceControlInputBox | Represents the input box in the Source Control viewlet. |
SourceControlResourceDecorations | The decorations for a {@link SourceControlResourceState source control resource state}. Can be independently specified for light and dark themes. |
SourceControlResourceGroup | A source control resource group is a collection of {@link SourceControlResourceState source control resource states}. |
SourceControlResourceState | An source control resource state represents the state of an underlying workspace resource within a certain {@link SourceControlResourceGroup source control group}. |
SourceControlResourceThemableDecorations | The theme-aware decorations for a {@link SourceControlResourceState source control resource state}. |
StatementCoverage | Contains coverage information for a single statement or line. |
StatusBarAlignment | Represents the alignment of status bar items. |
StatusBarItem | A status bar item is a status bar contribution that can show text and icons and run a command on click. |
SymbolInformation | Represents information about programming constructs like variables, classes, interfaces etc. |
SymbolKind | A symbol kind. |
SymbolTag | Symbol tags are extra annotations that tweak the rendering of a symbol. |
SyntaxTokenType | Enumeration of commonly encountered syntax token types. |
Tab | Represents a tab within a {@link TabGroup group of tabs}. Tabs are merely the graphical representation within the editor area. A backing editor is not a guarantee. |
TabChangeEvent | An event describing change to tabs. |
TabGroup | Represents a group of tabs. A tab group itself consists of multiple tabs. |
TabGroupChangeEvent | An event describing changes to tab groups. |
TabGroups | Represents the main editor area which consists of multiple groups which contain tabs. |
TabInputCustom | The tab represents a custom editor. |
TabInputNotebook | The tab represents a notebook. |
TabInputNotebookDiff | The tabs represents two notebooks in a diff configuration. |
TabInputTerminal | The tab represents a terminal in the editor area. |
TabInputText | The tab represents a single text based resource. |
TabInputTextDiff | The tab represents two text based resources being rendered as a diff. |
TabInputWebview | The tab represents a webview. |
Task | A task to execute |
TaskDefinition | A structure that defines a task kind in the system. The value must be JSON-stringifyable. |
TaskEndEvent | An event signaling the end of an executed task. |
TaskExecution | An object representing an executed Task. It can be used to terminate a task. |
TaskFilter | A task filter denotes tasks by their version and types |
TaskGroup | A grouping for tasks. The editor by default supports the 'Clean', 'Build', 'RebuildAll' and 'Test' group. |
TaskPanelKind | Controls how the task channel is used between tasks |
TaskPresentationOptions | Controls how the task is presented in the UI. |
TaskProcessEndEvent | An event signaling the end of a process execution triggered through a task |
TaskProcessStartEvent | An event signaling the start of a process execution triggered through a task |
TaskProvider | A task provider allows to add tasks to the task service. A task provider is registered via {@link tasks.registerTaskProvider}. |
TaskRevealKind | Controls the behaviour of the terminal's visibility. |
TaskScope | The scope of a task. |
TaskStartEvent | An event signaling the start of a task execution. |
TelemetryLogger | A telemetry logger which can be used by extensions to log usage and error telementry. |
TelemetryLoggerOptions | Options for creating a {@link TelemetryLogger} |
TelemetrySender | The telemetry sender is the contract between a telemetry logger and some telemetry service. Note that extensions must NOT call the methods of their sender directly as the logger provides extra guards and cleaning. |
TelemetryTrustedValue | A special value wrapper denoting a value that is safe to not clean. This is to be used when you can guarantee no identifiable information is contained in the value and the cleaning is improperly redacting it. |
Terminal | An individual terminal instance within the integrated terminal. |
TerminalDimensions | Represents the dimensions of a terminal. |
TerminalEditorLocationOptions | Assumes a {@link TerminalLocation} of editor and allows specifying a {@link ViewColumn} and {@link TerminalEditorLocationOptions.preserveFocus preserveFocus } property |
TerminalExitReason | Terminal exit reason kind. |
TerminalExitStatus | Represents how a terminal exited. |
TerminalLink | A link on a terminal line. |
TerminalLinkContext | Provides information on a line in a terminal in order to provide links for it. |
TerminalLinkProvider | A provider that enables detection and handling of links within terminals. |
TerminalLocation | The location of the terminal. |
TerminalOptions | Value-object describing what options a terminal should use. |
TerminalProfile | A terminal profile defines how a terminal will be launched. |
TerminalProfileProvider | Provides a terminal profile for the contributed terminal profile when launched via the UI or command. |
TerminalShellExecution | A command that was executed in a terminal. |
TerminalShellExecutionCommandLine | A command line that was executed in a terminal. |
TerminalShellExecutionCommandLineConfidence | The confidence of a {@link TerminalShellExecutionCommandLine} value. |
TerminalShellExecutionEndEvent | An event signalling that an execution has ended in a terminal. |
TerminalShellExecutionStartEvent | An event signalling that an execution has started in a terminal. |
TerminalShellIntegration | Shell integration-powered capabilities owned by a terminal. |
TerminalShellIntegrationChangeEvent | An event signalling that a terminal's shell integration has changed. |
TerminalSplitLocationOptions | Uses the parent {@link Terminal}'s location for the terminal |
TerminalState | Represents the state of a {@link Terminal}. |
TestController | Entry point to discover and execute tests. It contains {@link TestController.items} which are used to populate the editor UI, and is associated with {@link TestController.createRunProfile run profiles} to allow for tests to be executed. |
TestCoverageCount | A class that contains information about a covered resource. A count can be give for lines, branches, and declarations in a file. |
TestItem | An item shown in the "test explorer" view. |
TestItemCollection | Collection of test items, found in {@link TestItem.children} and {@link TestController.items}. |
TestMessage | Message associated with the test state. Can be linked to a specific source range -- useful for assertion failures, for example. |
TestMessageStackFrame | A stack frame found in the {@link TestMessage.stackTrace}. |
TestRun | A TestRun represents an in-progress or completed test run and provides methods to report the state of individual tests in the run. |
TestRunProfile | A TestRunProfile describes one way to execute tests in a {@link TestController}. |
TestRunProfileKind | The kind of executions that {@link TestRunProfile TestRunProfiles} control. |
TestRunRequest | A TestRunRequest is a precursor to a {@link TestRun}, which in turn is created by passing a request to {@link TestController.createTestRun}. The TestRunRequest contains information about which tests should be run, which should not be run, and how they are run (via the {@link TestRunRequest.profile profile}). |
TestTag | Tags can be associated with {@link TestItem TestItems} and {@link TestRunProfile TestRunProfiles}. A profile with a tag can only execute tests that include that tag in their {@link TestItem.tags} array. |
TextDocument | Represents a text document, such as a source file. Text documents have {@link TextLine lines} and knowledge about an underlying resource like a file. |
TextDocumentChangeEvent | An event describing a transactional {@link TextDocument document} change. |
TextDocumentChangeReason | Reasons for why a text document has changed. |
TextDocumentContentChangeEvent | An event describing an individual change in the text of a {@link TextDocument document}. |
TextDocumentContentProvider | A text document content provider allows to add readonly documents to the editor, such as source from a dll or generated html from md. |
TextDocumentSaveReason | Represents reasons why a text document is saved. |
TextDocumentShowOptions | Represents options to configure the behavior of showing a {@link TextDocument document} in an {@link TextEditor editor}. |
TextDocumentWillSaveEvent | An event that is fired when a {@link TextDocument document} will be saved. |
TextEdit | A text edit represents edits that should be applied to a document. |
TextEditor | Represents an editor that is attached to a {@link TextDocument document}. |
TextEditorCursorStyle | Rendering style of the cursor. |
TextEditorDecorationType | Represents a handle to a set of decorations sharing the same {@link DecorationRenderOptions styling options} in a {@link TextEditor text editor}. |
TextEditorEdit | A complex edit that will be applied in one transaction on a TextEditor. This holds a description of the edits and if the edits are valid (i.e. no overlapping regions, document was not changed in the meantime, etc.) they can be applied on a {@link TextDocument document} associated with a {@link TextEditor text editor}. |
TextEditorLineNumbersStyle | Rendering style of the line numbers. |
TextEditorOptions | Represents a {@link TextEditor text editor}'s {@link TextEditor.options options}. |
TextEditorOptionsChangeEvent | Represents an event describing the change in a {@link TextEditor.options text editor's options}. |
TextEditorRevealType | Represents different {@link TextEditor.revealRange reveal} strategies in a text editor. |
TextEditorSelectionChangeEvent | Represents an event describing the change in a {@link TextEditor.selections text editor's selections}. |
TextEditorSelectionChangeKind | Represents sources that can cause {@link window.onDidChangeTextEditorSelection selection change events}. |
TextEditorViewColumnChangeEvent | Represents an event describing the change of a {@link TextEditor.viewColumn text editor's view column}. |
TextEditorVisibleRangesChangeEvent | Represents an event describing the change in a {@link TextEditor.visibleRanges text editor's visible ranges}. |
TextLine | Represents a line of text, such as a line of source code. |
ThemableDecorationAttachmentRenderOptions | Represents theme specific rendering styles for {@link ThemableDecorationRenderOptions.before before} and {@link ThemableDecorationRenderOptions.after after} the content of text decorations. |
ThemableDecorationInstanceRenderOptions | Represents themable render options for decoration instances. |
ThemableDecorationRenderOptions | Represents theme specific rendering styles for a {@link TextEditorDecorationType text editor decoration}. |
ThemeColor | A reference to one of the workbench colors as defined in https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/theme-color-reference. Using a theme color is preferred over a custom color as it gives theme authors and users the possibility to change the color. |
ThemeIcon | A reference to a named icon. Currently, {@link ThemeIcon.File File}, {@link ThemeIcon.Folder Folder}, and ThemeIcon ids are supported. Using a theme icon is preferred over a custom icon as it gives product theme authors the possibility to change the icons. |
TreeCheckboxChangeEvent | An event describing the change in a tree item's checkbox state. |
TreeCheckboxChangeEventItemsTuple | |
TreeDataProvider | A data provider that provides tree data |
TreeDragAndDropController | Provides support for drag and drop in |
TreeItem | |
TreeItemCheckboxState | Checkbox state of the tree item |
TreeItemCollapsibleState | Collapsible state of the tree item |
TreeItemLabel | Label describing the {@link TreeItem Tree item} |
TreeView | Represents a Tree view |
TreeViewExpansionEvent | The event that is fired when an element in the {@link TreeView} is expanded or collapsed |
TreeViewOptions | Options for creating a {@link TreeView} |
TreeViewSelectionChangeEvent | The event that is fired when there is a change in {@link TreeView.selection tree view's selection} |
TreeViewVisibilityChangeEvent | The event that is fired when there is a change in {@link TreeView.visible tree view's visibility} |
TypeDefinitionProvider | The type definition provider defines the contract between extensions and the go to type definition feature. |
TypeHierarchyItem | Represents an item of a type hierarchy, like a class or an interface. |
TypeHierarchyProvider | The type hierarchy provider interface describes the contract between extensions and the type hierarchy feature. |
UIKind | Possible kinds of UI that can use extensions. |
Uri | A universal resource identifier representing either a file on disk or another resource, like untitled resources. |
UriHandler | A uri handler is responsible for handling system-wide {@link Uri uris}. |
ViewBadge | A badge presenting a value for a view |
ViewColumn | Denotes a location of an editor in the window. Editors can be arranged in a grid and each column represents one editor location in that grid by counting the editors in order of their appearance. |
Webview | Displays html content, similarly to an iframe. |
WebviewOptions | Content settings for a webview. |
WebviewPanel | A panel that contains a webview. |
WebviewPanelOnDidChangeViewStateEvent | Event fired when a webview panel's view state changes. |
WebviewPanelOptions | Content settings for a webview panel. |
WebviewPanelSerializer | Restore webview panels that have been persisted when vscode shuts down. |
WebviewPortMapping | Defines a port mapping used for localhost inside the webview. |
WebviewView | A webview based view. |
WebviewViewProvider | Provider for creating |
WebviewViewResolveContext | Additional information the webview view being resolved. |
WindowState | Represents the state of a window. |
WorkspaceConfiguration | Represents the configuration. It is a merged view of |
WorkspaceEdit | A workspace edit is a collection of textual and files changes for multiple resources and documents. |
WorkspaceEditEntriesTuple | |
WorkspaceEditEntryMetadata | Additional data for entries of a workspace edit. Supports to label entries and marks entries as needing confirmation by the user. The editor groups edits with equal labels into tree nodes, for instance all edits labelled with "Changes in Strings" would be a tree node. |
WorkspaceEditMetadata | Additional data about a workspace edit. |
WorkspaceEditMetadataTuple | |
WorkspaceEditNotebookMetadataTuple | |
WorkspaceFolder | A workspace folder is one of potentially many roots opened by the editor. All workspace folders are equal which means there is no notion of an active or primary workspace folder. |
WorkspaceFolderPickOptions | Options to configure the behaviour of the {@link WorkspaceFolder workspace folder} pick UI. |
WorkspaceFoldersChangeEvent | An event describing a change to the set of {@link workspace.workspaceFolders workspace folders}. |
WorkspaceSymbolProvider | The workspace symbol provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the symbol search-feature. |