An inlay hint label part allows for interactive and composite labels of inlay hints.



Creates a new inlay hint label part.



The value of the part.



An optional command for this label part.

The editor renders parts with commands as clickable links. The command is added to the context menu when a label part defines {@link InlayHintLabelPart.location location} and {@link InlayHintLabelPart.command command} .

Note that this property can be set late during {@link InlayHintsProvider.resolveInlayHint resolving} of inlay hints.


An optional {@link Location source code location} that represents this label part.

The editor will use this location for the hover and for code navigation features: This part will become a clickable link that resolves to the definition of the symbol at the given location (not necessarily the location itself), it shows the hover that shows at the given location, and it shows a context menu with further code navigation commands.

Note that this property can be set late during {@link InlayHintsProvider.resolveInlayHint resolving} of inlay hints.

tooltip:Null<EitherType<String, MarkdownString>>

The tooltip text when you hover over this label part.

Note that this property can be set late during {@link InlayHintsProvider.resolveInlayHint resolving} of inlay hints.


The value of this label part.