Options for making a chat request using a language model.

@link LanguageModelChat.sendRequest}

See also:

  • {



An optional list of tools that are available to the language model. These could be registered tools available via {@link lm.tools}, or private tools that are just implemented within the calling extension.

If the LLM requests to call one of these tools, it will return a {@link LanguageModelToolCallPart} in {@link LanguageModelChatResponse.stream}. It's the caller's responsibility to invoke the tool. If it's a tool registered in {@link lm.tools}, that means calling {@link lm.invokeTool}.

Then, the tool result can be provided to the LLM by creating an Assistant-type {@link LanguageModelChatMessage} with a {@link LanguageModelToolCallPart}, followed by a User-type message with a {@link LanguageModelToolResultPart}.


The tool-selecting mode to use. {@link LanguageModelChatToolMode.Auto} by default.


A set of options that control the behavior of the language model. These options are specific to the language model and need to be lookup in the respective documentation.


A human-readable message that explains why access to a language model is needed and what feature is enabled by it.