A status bar item is a status bar contribution that can show text and icons and run a command on click.
The text to show for the entry. You can embed icons in the text by leveraging the syntax:
My text $(icon-name) contains icons like $(icon-name) this one.
Where the icon-name is taken from the ThemeIcon icon set, e.g.
, thumbsup
, zap
read onlypriority:Null<Float>
The priority of this item. Higher value means the item should be shown more to the left.
The name of the entry, like 'Python Language Indicator', 'Git Status' etc. Try to keep the length of the name short, yet descriptive enough that users can understand what the status bar item is about.
read onlyid:String
The identifier of this item.
Note: if no identifier was provided by the {@linkcode window.createStatusBarItem} method, the identifier will match the {@link Extension.id extension identifier}.
command:Null<EitherType<String, Command>>
{@linkcode Command} or identifier of a command to run on click.
The command must be {@link commands.getCommands known}.
Note that if this is a {@linkcode Command} object, only the {@linkcode Command.command command} and {@linkcode Command.arguments arguments} are used by the editor.
The background color for this entry.
Note: only the following colors are supported:
new ThemeColor('statusBarItem.errorBackground')
new ThemeColor('statusBarItem.warningBackground')
More background colors may be supported in the future.
Note: when a background color is set, the statusbar may override
the color
choice to ensure the entry is readable in all themes.
Accessibility information used when a screen reader interacts with this StatusBar item