
@:value(cast "canHaveObjectId")@:enum@:implinlineread onlyCanHaveObjectId:VariableAttribute = "canHaveObjectId"

Indicates that the object has an Object ID associated with it.

@:value(cast "constant")@:enum@:implinlineread onlyConstant:VariableAttribute = "constant"

Indicates that the object is a constant.

@:value(cast "hasObjectId")@:enum@:implinlineread onlyHasObjectId:VariableAttribute = "hasObjectId"

Indicates that the object can have an Object ID created for it.

@:value(cast "hasSideEffects")@:enum@:implinlineread onlyHasSideEffects:VariableAttribute = "hasSideEffects"

Indicates that the evaluation had side effects.

@:value(cast "rawString")@:enum@:implinlineread onlyRawString:VariableAttribute = "rawString"

Indicates that the object is a raw string.

@:value(cast "readOnly")@:enum@:implinlineread onlyReadOnly:VariableAttribute = "readOnly"

Indicates that the object is read only.

@:value(cast "static")@:enum@:implinlineread onlyStatic:VariableAttribute = "static"

Indicates that the object is static.