
@:value(cast "end")@:enum@:implinlineread onlyEnd:OutputEventGroup = "end"

End the current group and decreases the indentation of subsequent output events. A non empty 'output' attribute is shown as the unindented end of the group.

@:value(cast "start")@:enum@:implinlineread onlyStart:OutputEventGroup = "start"

Start a new group in expanded mode. Subsequent output events are members of the group and should be shown indented. The 'output' attribute becomes the name of the group and is not indented.

@:value(cast "startCollapsed")@:enum@:implinlineread onlyStartCollapsed:OutputEventGroup = "startCollapsed"

Start a new group in collapsed mode. Subsequent output events are members of the group and should be shown indented (as soon as the group is expanded). The 'output' attribute becomes the name of the group and is not indented.