Defines how an argument should be quoted if it contains spaces or unsupported characters.
Static variables
staticread onlyEscape:ShellQuoting
Character escaping should be used. This for example uses \ on bash and ` on PowerShell.
staticread onlyStrong:ShellQuoting
Strong string quoting should be used. This for example
uses " for Windows cmd and ' for bash and PowerShell.
Strong quoting treats arguments as literal strings.
Under PowerShell echo 'The value is $(2 * 3)' will
print The value is $(2 * 3)
staticread onlyWeak:ShellQuoting
Weak string quoting should be used. This for example
uses " for Windows cmd, bash and PowerShell. Weak quoting
still performs some kind of evaluation inside the quoted
string. Under PowerShell echo "The value is $(2 * 3)"
will print The value is 6