Represents a task execution that happens inside a shell.
new(commandLine:String, ?options:Null<ShellExecutionOptions>)
new(command:EitherType<String, ShellQuotedString>, args:Array<EitherType<String, ShellQuotedString>>, ?options:Null<ShellExecutionOptions>)
Creates a shell execution with a full command line.
Creates a shell execution with a command and arguments. For the real execution the editor will
construct a command line from the command and the arguments. This is subject to interpretation
especially when it comes to quoting. If full control over the command line is needed please
use the constructor that creates a ShellExecution
with the full command line.
commandLine | The command line to execute. |
command | The command to execute. |
args | The command arguments. |
options | Optional options for the started the shell. |
args:Null<Array<EitherType<String, ShellQuotedString>>>
The shell args. Is undefined
if created with a full command line.
command:Null<EitherType<String, ShellQuotedString>>
The shell command. Is undefined
if created with a full command line.
The shell command line. Is undefined
if created with a command and arguments.
The shell options used when the command line is executed in a shell. Defaults to undefined.