A file system watcher notifies about changes to files and folders on disk or from other {@link FileSystemProvider FileSystemProviders}.

To get an instance of a FileSystemWatcher use {@link workspace.createFileSystemWatcher createFileSystemWatcher}.


read onlyignoreChangeEvents:Bool

true if this file system watcher has been created such that it ignores change file system events.

read onlyignoreCreateEvents:Bool

true if this file system watcher has been created such that it ignores creation file system events.

read onlyignoreDeleteEvents:Bool

true if this file system watcher has been created such that it ignores delete file system events.

read onlyonDidChange:Event<Uri>

An event which fires on file/folder change.

read onlyonDidCreate:Event<Uri>

An event which fires on file/folder creation.

read onlyonDidDelete:Event<Uri>

An event which fires on file/folder deletion.

Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Defined by Disposable


Dispose this object.