A completion item represents a text snippet that is proposed to complete text that is being typed.

It is sufficient to create a completion item from just a {@link CompletionItem.label label}. In that case the completion item will replace the {@link TextDocument.getWordRangeAtPosition word} until the cursor with the given label or {@link CompletionItem.insertText insertText}. Otherwise the given {@link CompletionItem.textEdit edit} is used.

When selecting a completion item in the editor its defined or synthesized text edit will be applied to all cursors/selections whereas {@link CompletionItem.additionalTextEdits additionalTextEdits} will be applied as provided.

@link CompletionItemProvider.provideCompletionItems} @link CompletionItemProvider.resolveCompletionItem}

See also:

  • {

  • {


new(label:EitherType<String, CompletionItemLabel>, ?kind:CompletionItemKind)

Creates a new completion item.

Completion items must have at least a {@link CompletionItem.label label} which then will be used as insert text as well as for sorting and filtering.

@link CompletionItemKind kind} of the completion.



The label of the completion.


The {



An optional array of additional {@link TextEdit text edits} that are applied when selecting this completion. Edits must not overlap with the main {@link CompletionItem.textEdit edit} nor with themselves.


An optional {@link Command} that is executed after inserting this completion. Note that additional modifications to the current document should be described with the {@link CompletionItem.additionalTextEdits additionalTextEdits}-property.


An optional set of characters that when pressed while this completion is active will accept it first and then type that character. Note that all commit characters should have length=1 and that superfluous characters will be ignored.


A human-readable string with additional information about this item, like type or symbol information.

documentation:Null<EitherType<String, MarkdownString>>

A human-readable string that represents a doc-comment.


A string that should be used when filtering a set of completion items. When falsy the {@link CompletionItem.label label} is used.

Note that the filter text is matched against the leading word (prefix) which is defined by the {@linkcode CompletionItem.range range}-property.

insertText:Null<EitherType<String, SnippetString>>

A string or snippet that should be inserted in a document when selecting this completion. When falsy the {@link CompletionItem.label label} is used.


Keep whitespace of the {@link CompletionItem.insertText insertText} as is. By default, the editor adjusts leading whitespace of new lines so that they match the indentation of the line for which the item is accepted - setting this to true will prevent that.


The kind of this completion item. Based on the kind an icon is chosen by the editor.

label:EitherType<String, CompletionItemLabel>

The label of this completion item. By default this is also the text that is inserted when selecting this completion.


Select this item when showing. Note that only one completion item can be selected and that the editor decides which item that is. The rule is that the first item of those that match best is selected.

range:Null<EitherType<Range, {replacing:Range, inserting:Range}>>

A range or a insert and replace range selecting the text that should be replaced by this completion item.

When omitted, the range of the {@link TextDocument.getWordRangeAtPosition current word} is used as replace-range and as insert-range the start of the {@link TextDocument.getWordRangeAtPosition current word} to the current position is used.

Note 1: A range must be a {@link Range.isSingleLine single line} and it must {@link Range.contains contain} the position at which completion has been {@link CompletionItemProvider.provideCompletionItems requested}. Note 2: A insert range must be a prefix of a replace range, that means it must be contained and starting at the same position.


A string that should be used when comparing this item with other items. When falsy the {@link CompletionItem.label label} is used.

Note that sortText is only used for the initial ordering of completion items. When having a leading word (prefix) ordering is based on how well completions match that prefix and the initial ordering is only used when completions match equally well. The prefix is defined by the {@linkcode CompletionItem.range range}-property and can therefore be different for each completion.


Tags for this completion item.


Deprecated: "Use `CompletionItem.insertText` and `CompletionItem.range` instead."

Use CompletionItem.insertText and CompletionItem.range instead. An {

@link TextEdit edit} which is applied to a document when selecting this completion. When an edit is provided the value of {@link CompletionItem.insertText insertText} is ignored.

The {@link Range} of the edit must be single-line and on the same line completions were {@link CompletionItemProvider.provideCompletionItems requested} at.