A Stackframe contains the source location.



The optional source of the frame.


An optional hint for how to present this frame in the UI.


The name of the stack frame, typically a method name.

@:optionaloptionalmoduleId:Null<EitherType<Int, String>>

The module associated with this frame, if any.


The line within the file of the frame. If source is null or doesn't exist, line is 0 and must be ignored.


An identifier for the stack frame. It must be unique across all threads. This id can be used to retrieve the scopes of the frame with the 'scopesRequest' or to restart the execution of a stackframe.


An optional end line of the range covered by the stack frame.


An optional end column of the range covered by the stack frame.


The column within the line. If source is null or doesn't exist, column is 0 and must be ignored.