A panel that contains a webview.


read onlywebview:Webview

{@linkcode Webview} belonging to the panel.

read onlyvisible:Bool

Whether the panel is visible.

read onlyviewType:String

Identifies the type of the webview panel, such as 'markdown.preview'.

read onlyviewColumn:Null<ViewColumn>

Editor position of the panel. This property is only set if the webview is in one of the editor view columns.


Title of the panel shown in UI.

reveal(?viewColumn:ViewColumn, ?preserveFocus:Bool):Void

Show the webview panel in a given column.

A webview panel may only show in a single column at a time. If it is already showing, this method moves it to a new column.



View column to show the panel in. Shows in the current viewColumn if undefined.


When true, the webview will not take focus.

read onlyoptions:WebviewPanelOptions

Content settings for the webview panel.

read onlyonDidDispose:Event<Void>

Fired when the panel is disposed.

This may be because the user closed the panel or because .dispose() was called on it.

Trying to use the panel after it has been disposed throws an exception.

read onlyonDidChangeViewState:Event<WebviewPanelOnDidChangeViewStateEvent>

Fired when the panel's view state changes.

@:optionaloptionaliconPath:Null<EitherType<Uri, {light:Uri, dark:Uri}>>

Icon for the panel shown in UI.


Dispose of the webview panel.

This closes the panel if it showing and disposes of the resources owned by the webview. Webview panels are also disposed when the user closes the webview panel. Both cases fire the onDispose event.

read onlyactive:Bool

Whether the panel is active (focused by the user).