Content settings for a webview.


@:optionaloptionalread onlyportMapping:Null<ReadOnlyArray<WebviewPortMapping>>

Mappings of localhost ports used inside the webview.

Port mapping allow webviews to transparently define how localhost ports are resolved. This can be used to allow using a static localhost port inside the webview that is resolved to random port that a service is running on.

If a webview accesses localhost content, we recommend that you specify port mappings even if the webviewPort and extensionHostPort ports are the same.

Note that port mappings only work for http or https urls. Websocket urls (e.g. ws://localhost:3000) cannot be mapped to another port.

@:optionaloptionalread onlylocalResourceRoots:Null<ReadOnlyArray<Uri>>

Root paths from which the webview can load local (filesystem) resources using the vscode-resource: scheme.

Default to the root folders of the current workspace plus the extension's install directory.

Pass in an empty array to disallow access to any local resources.

@:optionaloptionalread onlyenableScripts:Null<Bool>

Controls whether scripts are enabled in the webview content or not.

Defaults to false (scripts-disabled).

@:optionaloptionalread onlyenableCommandUris:Null<Bool>

Controls whether command uris are enabled in webview content or not.

Defaults to false.