An individual terminal instance within the integrated terminal.


read onlystate:TerminalState

The current state of the {@link Terminal}.


Show the terminal panel and reveal this terminal in the UI.



When true the terminal will not take focus.

read onlyshellIntegration:Null<TerminalShellIntegration>

An object that contains shell integration-powered features for the terminal. This will always be undefined immediately after the terminal is created. Listen to {@link window.onDidChangeTerminalShellIntegration} to be notified when shell integration is activated for a terminal.

Note that this object may remain undefined if shell integration never activates. For example Command Prompt does not support shell integration and a user's shell setup could conflict with the automatic shell integration activation.

sendText(text:String, ?shouldExecute:Bool):Void

Send text to the terminal. The text is written to the stdin of the underlying pty process (shell) of the terminal.



The text to send.


Indicates that the text being sent should be executed rather than just inserted in the terminal. The character(s) added are \n or \r\n, depending on the platform. This defaults to true.

read onlyprocessId:Thenable<Null<Int>>

The process ID of the shell process.

read onlyname:String

The name of the terminal.


Hide the terminal panel if this terminal is currently showing.

@:optionaloptionalread onlyexitStatus:Null<TerminalExitStatus>

The exit status of the terminal, this will be undefined while the terminal is active.

Example: Show a notification with the exit code when the terminal exits with a non-zero exit code.

window.onDidCloseTerminal(t => {
if (t.exitStatus && t.exitStatus.code) {
	vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`Exit code: ${t.exitStatus.code}`);


Dispose and free associated resources.

read onlycreationOptions:EitherType<TerminalOptions, ExtensionTerminalOptions>

The object used to initialize the terminal, this is useful for example to detecting the shell type of when the terminal was not launched by this extension or for detecting what folder the shell was launched in.