An source control resource state represents the state of an underlying workspace resource within a certain {@link SourceControlResourceGroup source control group}.


read onlyresourceUri:Uri

The {@link Uri} of the underlying resource inside the workspace.

@:optionaloptionalread onlydecorations:Null<SourceControlResourceDecorations>

The {@link SourceControlResourceDecorations decorations} for this source control resource state.

@:optionaloptionalread onlycontextValue:Null<String>

Context value of the resource state. This can be used to contribute resource specific actions. For example, if a resource is given a context value as diffable. When contributing actions to scm/resourceState/context using menus extension point, you can specify context value for key scmResourceState in when expressions, like scmResourceState == diffable.

	"contributes": {
"menus": {
	"scm/resourceState/context": [
			"command": "extension.diff",
			"when": "scmResourceState == diffable"

This will show action extension.diff only for resources with contextValue is diffable.

@:optionaloptionalread onlycommand:Null<Command>

The {@link Command} which should be run when the resource state is open in the Source Control viewlet.