Notebook content options define what parts of a notebook are persisted. Note

For instance, a notebook serializer can opt-out of saving outputs and in that case the editor doesn't mark a notebooks as {@link NotebookDocument.isDirty dirty} when its output has changed.



Controls if outputs change will trigger notebook document content change and if it will be used in the diff editor Default to false. If the content provider doesn't persisit the outputs in the file document, this should be set to true.


Controls if a document metadata property change will trigger notebook document content change and if it will be used in the diff editor Default to false. If the content provider doesn't persisit a metadata property in the file document, it should be set to true.


Controls if a cell metadata property change will trigger notebook document content change and if it will be used in the diff editor Default to false. If the content provider doesn't persisit a metadata property in the file document, it should be set to true.