
createDebugAdapterDescriptor(session:DebugSession, ?executable:DebugAdapterExecutable):ProviderResult<DebugAdapterDescriptor>

'createDebugAdapterDescriptor' is called at the start of a debug session to provide details about the debug adapter to use. These details must be returned as objects of type {@link DebugAdapterDescriptor}. Currently two types of debug adapters are supported: - a debug adapter executable is specified as a command path and arguments (see {@link DebugAdapterExecutable}), - a debug adapter server reachable via a communication port (see {@link DebugAdapterServer}). If the method is not implemented the default behavior is this: createDebugAdapter(session: DebugSession, executable: DebugAdapterExecutable) {

 if (typeof session.configuration.debugServer === 'number') {
return new DebugAdapterServer(session.configuration.debugServer);
 return executable;

} @link DebugSession debug session} for which the debug adapter will be used. @link DebugAdapterDescriptor debug adapter descriptor} or undefined.



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The debug adapter's executable information as specified in the package.json (or undefined if no such information exists).


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