Represents a collection of completion items to be presented in the editor.
optionalitemDefaults:Null<{insertTextMode:Null<InsertTextMode>, insertTextFormat:Null<InsertTextFormat>, editRange:Null<EitherType<Range, {replace:Range, insert:Range}>>, data:Null<LSPAny>, commitCharacters:Null<Array<String>>}>
In many cases the items of an actual completion result share the same
value for properties like commitCharacters
or the range of a text
edit. A completion list can therefore define item defaults which will
be used if a completion item itself doesn't specify the value.
If a completion list specifies a default value and a completion item also specifies a corresponding value the one from the item is used.
Servers are only allowed to return default values if the client
signals support for this via the completionList.itemDefaults
Available since